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Covid-19 is a disease that attacks the immune system, and is defined by the WHO as a disease that is endemic throughout the world. In this post-pandemic condition, efforts are really needed to increase the body's immunity, especially in the elderly. This is because in old age there is a decrease in the body's organ system resulting in a decrease in the immune system. Based on this condition, this community service activity was carried out, with the aim of providing education on how to improve the body's immune system in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is to provide counseling in the form of education on how to boost the immune system using booklet media along with explanations to members of the elderly Posyandu at Ketintang Wiyata III Surabaya. The tool used to measure the level of understanding is using questionnaires distributed before counseling (pre-questionnaire) and after counseling (post-questionnaire). The results of the descriptive analysis obtained were that there was an increase in understanding to a good category of 93.3% compared to before counseling only 6.7%. The results of statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed a value of α = 0.000 <0.005 meaning that there was a significant difference before and after counseling. This proves that providing counseling in the form of education using the booklet method accompanied by explanations can be effective in increasing patient understanding of how to boost the immune system in the post-Covid-19 pandemic.
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