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Dita Dita Meidinata
Taufik Faturohman
Tiara Mustikasari


There are basically several approaches to finding new medicinal sources from plants, namely observation, interviews, observing and taking notes, and in-depth study documentation. Judging from the condition of natural resources, the economy of Garut Regency is based on the agricultural sector, the agricultural sector is the sector that provides the largest employment opportunities for Garut Regency, which is around 43.22% of employment opportunities come from the agricultural sector, followed by trade 24.75%, and services 11. 08%. The agricultural sector is the main provider of the community's food needs which are basic needs and human rights. This community service is the basis for what medicinal plants are used by the people of Sukaratu Village, Garut Regency, as well as how to use, efficacy and scientific studies of these plants. The purpose of this community service is to inventory, document and determine and socialize to increase public understanding regarding how to process medicinal plants and the benefits of their ingredients. This socialization is expected to be a means to increase public understanding regarding how to process medicinal plants and the benefits of their ingredients.

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How to Cite
Dita Meidinata, D., Faturohman, T. ., & Mustikasari, T. . (2023). SOSIALISASI MANFAAT KAJIAN ETNOFARMAKOLOGI BEBERAPA TUMBUHAN DARI DESA SUKARATU KABUPATEN GARUT PROVINSI JAWA BARAT. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 3(01). Retrieved from


Jurnal Ilmiah Farmako Bahari, Juli 2014, Volume 5 Nomor 2

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