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Densi Selpia Sopianti
Ade Ferdinan
Adelia Oktavianingrum
Alek Sandiago
Anggi Marsyah Putra Marsyah Putra
Anggraini Marshanda
Arinda Tri Pramay Sella
Azel Rama Anggia


Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Glucose is the main energy source for the cells of the human body. However, in diabetics, the glucose cannot be used by the body. The level of  glucose in the blood is controlled by the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. However, in diabetics, the pancreas is not able to produce insulin according to the body's needs. Without insulin, the body's cells cannot absorb and process glucose into energy. Uncontrolled diabetes can have serious consequences, causing damage to various organs and tissues of the body. However, generally there are several treatments that must be done to reduce the risk of diabetes, such as adopting a healthy diet and regular physical activity. One of the dietary therapies to prevent and treat diabetes mellitus is to utilize a variety of functional foods, one of which is soy milk. Soybean (sometimes added "Peanut" in front of the name) is one of the leguminous plants that is the basis of many foods from East Asia such as soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh. Soy milk is one of the processing which is the result of extraction from soybeans. Soy milk protein has an amino acid structure that is almost the same as cow's milk, so soy milk is often used as a substitute for cow's milk. Soy milk is a highly nutritious drink, especially its protein content. Soy milk also contains fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, pro vitamin A, vitamin B complex (except vitamin B12) and water, and phytositosterol which can lower blood sugar. Activities carried out at Panjang Beach during the car free day event. People who consume milk are also very enthusiastic in receiving explanations about its special uses for anti-diabetic prevention. The method of manufacture and management is easy to obtain and cheap, affordable to all levels of society.

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How to Cite
Sopianti, D. S., Ferdinan, A. ., Oktavianingrum, A. ., Sandiago, A. ., Marsyah Putra, A. M. P., Anggraini Marshanda, Arinda Tri Pramay Sella, & Azel Rama Anggia. (2023). SOSIALISASI PENGGUNAAN BAHAN ALAM SEBAGAI ANTIDIABETES. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 3(01). Retrieved from


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