Improving Enterpreneurship Competences of Boardingschool Students through Workshop on Making Timun Padang (Coccinia grandis (L)Voight) Ice Cream

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Niken Kusumarini
Miswari Miswari


This workshop of making timun padang ice cream held in Fadhlul Fadhlan Boarding School in July-October 2021. Methods used are PAR (Participatory Action Reasearch) that are planning, action, evaluation, and reflection. planning included of maping the potencies and needs of boarding school students. Action is the workshop of making a timun padang ice cream which consists of eight steps in the morning and afternoon, attended by 23 student participants who is 20 until 25 years old. All participants had manage to achieve the competencies of making timun padang ice cream in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, 8th steps. While the 61% of participants  had manage to achieve the competencies in the 2nd step. Reflection activities are carried out in collected data of suggesstions through electronic form. The workshop on making timun padang ice cream is useful for increasing competency and has potency to be developed into enterpreneurship activities and also needed to improve taste and texture of the ice cream.

: bioenterpreneurship competences; Coccinia grandis; islamic boardingschool; timun padang ice cream; workshop.

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How to Cite
Kusumarini, N., & Miswari, M. (2023). Improving Enterpreneurship Competences of Boardingschool Students through Workshop on Making Timun Padang (Coccinia grandis (L)Voight) Ice Cream . Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 2(02). Retrieved from


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