Penyuluhan Penerapan Perilaku 5 M dan PHBS di Lingkungan Sekolah
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Background: During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Implementation of Clean and Healthy Living Behaviors (CHLB) and 5M is very important to apply early on. Although it has been given education by the school regarding the importance of both things, students tend to be difficult to apply. Therefore, education related to 5M and CHLB in the pandemic period becomes an important need that must be provided in an educative and interesting way. Objective: The activity "Counseling the Application of 5M And CHLB Behavior in the School Environment" is to educate elementary school students about the importance of 5M and CHLB in pandemic times so as to increase awareness of elementary school students to keep a close eye on various things to avoid covis-19 virus infection. The target of this educational delivery is the students of SDN 03 East Pontianak and SD Plus Bina 45 East Pontianak. Method: The first method is the lecture method, where students / we are given oral explanations about CHLB and 5M. The second method is the audio visual method where in the form of educational video delivery to prevent infection with covid-19. The third method is the ice breaking method and quizzes. The fourth method is a direct demonstration to make hand sanitizer preparations. Results: Results obtained from the activities "Counseling the Application of 5M And CHLB Behavior in the School Environment" namely the students of SDN 03 East Pontianak and SD Plus Bina 45 East Pontianak became aware of the importance of health protocols and CHLB in the pandemic period. In addition, based on the distribution of isoner that we give a positive response illustrated from the answers of pre-activity quisoner who are not good to be better in the final answer of counseling activities followed by participants.
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