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Treatment of hypertension is important because hypertension is a disease that cannot be cured so it must always be controlled or controlled. Support and motivation are important to be carried out by various parties, one of which is the elderly posyandu cadre in carrying out hypertension management. The purpose of this Community Service Activity is to provide education for the empowerment of cadres and the community in Self Management Knowledge of Hypertension Treatment which was carried out at Balai RW 7 Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya, which was attended by 40 participants. The method of this activity is to provide counseling in the form of audiovisual powerpoints and videos containing hypertension material as well as pre post questionnaires to measure hypertension knowledge. The results of this activity obtained the results of the pre-knowledge level of 32 participants (80%) and post-high knowledge level of 25 participants (62.5%) with statistical analysis of the Wilcoxon test, p value approaching 0.00 < 0.05 so that there was a significant difference in knowledge before and after the extension.
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