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The safety of drug usage is closely related to the appropriate right information related to drugs to the public. Most people often assume that drugs could still be used until the last date stated on the packaging (expired date). However, this is not appropriate because after the primary packaging of the drug is opened, there is a time limit for using the drug which is different from the expiration date, which is beyond the use date. This is due to the stability of the drug which can change after the packaging is opened, and can be different for each preparation. Community service is carried out in the form of counseling to 40 private vocational high school students in Banjarmasin City, with the aim that information related to BUD can be conveyed to the community through the family, which is the smallest social unit in society. Counseling is done by providing material and measuring the level of knowledge with the Pretest and Posttest. The results showed that there was a change in knowledge from the average pretest value of 12.42 ± 1.80 to the pretest average value of 12.42 ± 1.80 to 14.76 ± 1.68 in the post-test value. The provision of information related to Beyond Use Date can help increase the knowledge of SMK students, especially in distinguishing expiration dates and Beyond use dates and the expiration date of drugs used after the packaging is opened.
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