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Motor development is the development of elements of maturity and control of body movements which are closely related to the development of the motor centre in the brain. In gross motor games, some activities occur because of the coordination of large muscles, such as walking, jumping, running, and throwing. In contrast, fine motor games train hand muscle coordination in activities such as playing playdough, folding, cutting, squeezing, etc. Playdough is an educational game tool that is safe for children and can develop all aspects of early childhood development. Making playdough can train fine motor skills in early childhood. The use of essential oils and the effect on brain activity, especially those in the limbic region (e.g., the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus), affect mood, emotion, behaviour, memory, and hormonal activity. This community service aims for parents who understand that a child's gross and fine motor skills need to be trained and developed at any time with various activities. The method used in this research is the pre-experimental design, which is often also called quasi-experimental. Playing sensory together between children and parents makes the bond of affection closer. This community service activity ends with an evaluation of the results of playdough made by children and their parents and asks how the children and parents feel after all the process implementation is complete. The results of the evaluation of the response of parents and children to the activities carried out can be seen from the participants' enthusiasm during the training.
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