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Heny Puspasari
Weni Puspita


Self-medication is one of the community's efforts to treat itself. Self-medication is especially carried out for minor ailments that can be treated with drugs from the over-the-counter drugs, limited free and mandatory pharmacy drugs. Self-medication is an alternative that is taken by the community to increase the affordability of treatment. Pharmacists or pharmaceutical personnel can provide objective and rational information, good self-medication and responsibility can provide many benefits to the wider community. Active Human Learning Method (CBIA) is a community education method that is oriented towards the active role of students in seeking information and fostering attitudes and changing behavior. This information is useful for the community, among others, to be able to consider the promotion of drug advertisements in the market and to manage medicines in the household properly. Also, the goal of the rational use of drugs can be achieved optimally in conducting drug self-medication. This community service activity aims to provide education to the public about self-medication or self-medication and rational use of drugs with active human learning methods so that people can recognize for themselves drugs that can be used to treat diseases that are classified as mild to moderate and understand each active drug substance. which is adjusted to the indication or function as well as the rules or dosage that can be used according to age.

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How to Cite
Puspasari, H. ., & Puspita, W. (2021). EDUKASI MASYARAKAT TENTANG SWAMEDIKASI DAN PENGGUNAAN OBAT RASIONAL DENGAN METODE CARA BELAJAR INSAN AKTIF (CBIA). Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 1(1), 29–36. Retrieved from


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