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Novia Ariani
Erna Prihandiwati


Stunting is a nutritional problem that is associated with an increased risk of morbidity, mortality and suboptimal brain development so that it can inhibit growth and motor and mental development in children. Stunting is a form of growth failure (growth faltering) due to the accumulation of insufficient nutrition that lasts for a long time starting from pregnancy until the age of 24 months. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, the prevalence of stunting fell from 37.2% in 2013 to 30.8% but this remains a problem because it is still above the threshold set by WHO, which is 20%. In 2017 the government has issued a National Action Plan program at the national and regional levels, especially villages. One of these programs is the prevention of stunting in the community because most people do not understand stunting, and think that stunting is a hereditary factor. Community service activities aim to increase knowledge and understanding as well as the role of posyandu cadres in the prevention and early detection of stunting in toddlers so that they can participate in paying attention to the growth and development of toddlers. The method used is by providing information directly to posyandu cadres in Tatah Layap Village, Kab. Banjar on stunting prevention. The results of this community service activity increase the understanding and knowledge of posyandu cadres about stunting which will be socialized by posyandu cadres to the community in Tatah Layap Village.

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How to Cite
Ariani, N., & Prihandiwati, E. (2021). PEMBERDAYAAN DAN PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN KADER POSYANDU DALAM PENCEGAHAN STUNTING. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 1(1), 20–28. Retrieved from


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