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The immune system is the body's defense system against foreign substances and pathogenic organisms. An optimal immune system is an important requirement that make the body remains protected from various diseases, especially infectious diseases. Covid-19 is unsettling for all people, not only in Indonesia but throughout the world. These concerns and anxieties can have an impact on people's mindset and way of life so that they can decrease the body's immune system.The purpose of webinar is to make the public more aware of how to respond to and maintain the immune system during the Covid-19 pandemic. This Socialization is carried out through webinars because to considering the dangers that might arise when it is done face to face / in a crowd. This webinar is conducted using the zoom meeting application where in order to participate in this webinar, participants are required to register first using the google form. The webinar was held in November 2020 where the participants were students from the engineering faculty of the Nahdlatul Ulama University of West Kalimantan. There were two material in this webinar, immune system and respond to the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic from a psychological perspective. The result can be said to be successful because the material presented can trigeer participants to ask a lot of questions and understand the material presented. The conclution is the socialization of how to respond to and maintain the immune system during the Covid-19 pandemic is quite useful to carry out.
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