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Indri Astuti Handayani
Guritno Syahputra
Mala Komalasari
Tiara Fadli
Daffa Salsabiil Rohman


One of the characteristics of puberty in women is menstruation, which usually starts between the ages of 10 and 17 years. When menstruation approaches, most women will experience stomach pain. Menstrual pain can significantly interfere with daily activities. One non-pharmacological treatment is ginger and cinnamon, as both plants have high flavonoid content that can suppress pain and block prostaglandins, reducing pain during menstruation. The purpose of this study is to compare knowledge before and after a demonstration of making ginger and cinnamon stew. The data collection method used pre and post-questionnaires for 23 female adolescent respondents aged 16-18 years. Most respondents had never used pharmacological therapy for menstrual pain (43%). Before the demonstration, the majority of respondents indicated that they did not know (17 respondents) about the active substances contained in ginger. However, after the demonstration, 14 respondents learned that gingerol is the active substance in ginger. Before the demonstration, the majority of respondents indicated that they did not know (23 respondents) about the active substances in cinnamon. After the demonstration, 2 respondents learned that essential oil is the active substance in cinnamon. Before the demonstration, the majority of respondents indicated that they did not know (16 respondents) about the ginger and cinnamon decoction formula. After the demonstration, all respondents knew the formula for boiling ginger and cinnamon. In conclusion, ginger and cinnamon decoction can relieve menstrual pain, and there is an increase in knowledge before and after the demonstration.

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How to Cite
Astuti Handayani, I., Syahputra, G. ., Komalasari, M. ., Fadli, T., & Rohman, D. S. (2024). DEMONSTRASI PEMBUATAN REBUSAN JAHE (ZINGIBER OFFICINALE) DAN KAYUMANIS (CINNAMON BURMANII) UNTUK MENGURANGI NYERI HAID. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 4(01). Retrieved from


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