Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior for Students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya to Prevent Diseases Caused by Microorganisms Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior for Students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya to Prevent Diseases Caused by Microorganisms

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syukrianto syukrianto
Umarudin Umarudin


The PHBS education program at SMK Farmasi Surabaya significantly contributes to improving public health and reducing healthcare costs borne by both the government and individuals. The objective of this community service program is to educate students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya about clean and healthy living behaviors aimed at preventing diseases caused by microorganisms. The methods employed include pre-tests and post-tests on understanding Personal Hygiene, Healthy Lifestyle patterns to minimize the risk of infectious diseases, Agents causing Body Infectious Diseases, Causes of Skin Infectious Diseases such as Chickenpox and Fungal Causes of Tinea, and Efforts to address these issues. In addition to lectures, the program involves practical implementation by students on proper handwashing techniques. Student knowledge is assessed using questionnaires as the instrument. Data collection techniques include interviews with students. The results of the community service activities indicate that students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya significantly improved their understanding of PHBS after receiving the materials and participating in workshops on proper handwashing techniques.

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How to Cite
syukrianto, syukrianto, & Umarudin Umarudin. (2024). Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior for Students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya to Prevent Diseases Caused by Microorganisms: Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior for Students at SMK Farmasi Surabaya to Prevent Diseases Caused by Microorganisms. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 4(01). Retrieved from



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