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Dian Kartikasari
Weni Puspita
Heni Puspa Sari
Ika Rista Rahman
Abduh Ridha


One of the main issues that supports the National Development Vision 2005-2025 is independence through health development based on community resources. One way to achieve this vision can be supported through the Active Alert Village program with indicators in the form of Community Sourced Health Efforts (UKBM). Village Medicine Post is a form of UKBM which aims to meet emergency and temporary health needs in remote locations far from health service facilities. Kabung Island is one of the areas in Karimunting Village, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, which is quite remote because it is located in the middle of the sea. This village does not yet have a Village Medicine Post and does not have trained health cadres who have the ability to manage and use medicines. This is the basis for implementing community service which aims to improve the status of community independence in the health sector. Service is carried out by providing training material to health cadres in the form of drug management and drug use, then evaluating knowledge and providing initial medication to be managed. Based on the evaluation carried out, there was a significant increase in knowledge among cadres after the training was carried out (p<0.05). This is in accordance with the output target set in the form of increasing cadres' knowledge in terms of first aid for several simple illnesses. It is hoped that the trained health cadres will be able to maximize initial treatment for sick community members who need immediate help

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How to Cite
Kartikasari, D., Weni Puspita, Heni Puspa Sari, Ika Rista Rahman, & Abduh Ridha. (2024). PELATIHAN KADER KESEHATAN DESA GUNA PEMBENTUKAN POS OBAT DESA PULAUKABUNG DESA KARIMUNTING: BAHASA INDONESIA. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 4(01). Retrieved from


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