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Ratna Widyasari
Athiah Masykuroh


Citrus amblycarpa has many health benefits. The production value of this citrus is very high, but this is not balanced with adequate processing. The use of Citrus amblycarpa peel as jelly candy makes it an alternative snack with high nutritional value. This program aims to increase the economic value of Citrus amblycarpa peel to obtain sustainable business profits and create a modern food alternative with a pleasant taste but still able to meet nutritional needs and be beneficial for health. The stages of implementing the activity began with planning the jelly candy formula, continued with outreach to partners, and implementation of workshops through the delivery of material followed by training and assistance in making the product. The results of the activity provide information and alternative business opportunities in the field of food processing by using Citrus amblycarpa peel to make jelly candy snacks which have health benefits.

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How to Cite
SARI, D. Y., Ratna Widyasari, & Athiah Masykuroh. (2024). WORKSHOP PEMBUATAN PERMEN JELLY DARI Citrus amblycarpa SEBAGAI MAKANAN SELINGAN BERGIZI DI PANTI ASUHAN PUTRI AHMAD YANI PONTIANAK. Jurnal Pengabdian Indonesia, 4(01). Retrieved from


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