A Training for making The Aromatherapy Breeze Oil at Nglarangan Hamlet, kebakkramat, Karanganyar Essential Aromatherapy Breeze Oil
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Aromatherapy breeze oil is a breeze oil that has the properties of improve both psychological and physical health. This type of oil uses the main raw material derived from essential oils extracted from plants. Products containing aromatherapy can function to improve health such as for body relaxation, refreshing the mind, improving mood, and being able to help cure diseases physiologically. This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of PKK women in Nglarangan hamlet, Kebak Village, Kebakkramat District related to the benefits and how to make aromatherapy oil. This community service activity is carried out in two stages, namely the preparation and implementation stages. The preparation stage includes the procurement of tools and materials, formula experiments and the process of making aromatherapy, as well as the design of packaging stickers. The implementation stage begins with the registration process, weight weighing, checking and health counseling, then continued with presentation to give information about the benefits of aromatherapy oil and training on how to make it. The community service activity was attended by 26 PKK participants from 6 RTs in Nglarangan Hamlet. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the entire series of activities and felt that the activities carried out were very useful. This activity can provide information and education about the health status of the participants, as well as provide new knowledge related to the benefits and how to make aromatherapy oil.
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